February 27, 2017

speculation: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. [قیاس آرائی qiyaas aarai]
Example Sentences:

1. There had been speculation that the PSL final may not be held in Pakistan after all.

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negotiate: Urdu meaning

#negotiate, #negotiates, #negotiating, #negotiated
Definitions: (verb)
1. [baat cheet k zariye muamlaat tay karne ki koshish karna / par baat karna / گُفت و شُنِید کرنا guft o shaneed karna]

Example Sentences:

1. They have started negotiating a mechanism for addressing each other's concerns over terrorism.

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terror: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. [دہشت dehshat / shadeed khof]
2. [دہشت زدہ dehshat zadah / dehshat gard]
3. [ہولناک holnak]

Example Sentences:
1. despite recent terror attacks
[halia deshat gard hamlo k bawajud]

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categorically: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adverb)
[صاف صاف saaf saaf / bilkul wazeh alfaaz me / do tok alfaaz me]
