January 13, 2016

tropical: Urdu meaning

گرم علاقہ /  مُنطقَہ حارہ سے مُتعَلّق / مُنطقَہ حارہ میں واقع/   حاری
Definitions: (adjective)
1. belonging to, found in, or typical of the tropics (the hottest part of the Earth between the two tropics)
2. (weather) very hot and humid

Example Sentences:
1. tropical countries
2. tropical fruit

Related Entries:
tropic: (noun) 

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tropic: Urdu meaning

#tropic, #tropics
[مُنطقَہ حارہ ۔ مَدارِ شَمس ۔ خَطِ اَستوا کے دو مَتوازی خَطُوط یعنی خَطِ سَرطان اور خَطِ جَدّی ۔]
Definitions: (noun)
1. one of the two imaginary lines drawn around the Earth on either side of the equator. The Tropic of Cancer is 23¹/₂ degrees north of the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn is 23¹/₂ degrees south of the equator.
2. the tropics (plural): the hottest part of the Earth which is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

Related Entries:
tropical: (adjective)

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