English-Urdu Dictionary
English to Urdu - Urdu to English Dictionary
December 7, 2014
innovate: Urdu meaning
#innovate, #innovates, #innovating, #innovated
Definition: (verb)
to bring something new to something; to introduce changes and new ideas into something and start to use them / [bid'at krna, nikaalna / koi nai cheez shamil kr k tabdeel krna / eejaad krna]
Example Sentences:
1. The company is going to innovate a new mobile phone.
Related Entries:
innovator: (noun)
Labels: com, English to Urdu Dictionary
shortcoming: Urdu meaning
#shortcoming, #shortcomings
Definitions: (noun)
1. a fault or weakness in someone's character; defect / [khaami]
2. a fault or weakness in a system, plan, etc. that makes it less effective; defect [khaami]
Example Sentences:
1. I am well aware of my own shortcomings.
2. The mobile phone has many shortcomings.
3. The only shortcoming of the mobile phone is that it has low quality camera.
Labels: com, English to Urdu Dictionary
evolution: Urdu meaning
Definitions: (uncountable)
1. (biology) the scientific idea that living things gradually develop and change over a long period of time
2. (biology) a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which plants, animals, etc. slowly change some of their physical characteristics
3. a process during which something develops and changes into a different and usually more complex or better form
Urdu Meanings:
irtiqa / tashkeel / taraqqi
Example Sentences:
1. the evolution of Greek civilization
2. Darwin's theory of evolution
3. the evolution of science and technology
Labels: English to Urdu Dictionary, ok