November 2, 2014

happiness: Urdu meaning

the state of being happy / [khushi]
Example Sentences:

1. Her eyes were shining with happiness.
2. He struggled to find happiness in his life.

Related Entries:
happy: (adjective)
happily: (adverb)

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happily: Urdu meaning

khushi se / khushi ki baat hy k.. / 
1. in a happy manner; with pleasure
2. fortunately; luckily
3. willingly
4. (formal) appropriately

Example Sentences:
1. Happily, no one was injured. (2)
2. I'll help happily, if you want me to. (3)
3. They are happily married with two young children. (1)
Related Entries:
happy: (adjective)
happiness: (noun)

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suspicion: Urdu meaning

شک shak / شبہ shuba
Definitions: (noun)
1. a feeling or belief that someone is guilty of something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity, even though you don't have any proof
2. a feeling that something is probably true or likely to happen, especially something bad
3. a feeling that you do not trust someone or something
4. (formal) a very small amount of something

Example Sentences:
1. He gave a suspicion of a smile.
2. He is under suspicion of selling heroin.
3. I had a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.
4. Strangers tend to be treated with suspicion.

Related Entries:
suspicious: (adjective)

suspiciously: (adverb)

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suspicious: Urdu meaning

مشکوک mashkuuk / مشتبہ mushtabah / شکی shaki / شک شبہ کرنے والا shak o shuba krne wala
Definitions: (adjective)
1. feeling or believing without having any proof that someone has probably done something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity
2. making you feel that something is wrong or illegal
3. having doubt in mind and feeling that someone or something cannot be trusted

Example Sentences:
1. She was suspicious of his sudden death.
2. a suspicious look
3. She was suspicious of her motives.
4. They found a suspicious packet by the door.
5. She is very suspicious of strangers.
Related Entries:
suspect: (verb)
suspicion: (noun)
suspiciously: (adverb)

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suspiciously: Urdu meaning

شک کے انداز میں shak k andaaz me / شکی انداز میں shaki andaaz me / مشتبہانداز میں mushtaba andaaz me / شک کے ساتھ shak k saath / مشکوکانداز میں mashkuuk andaaz me
Definitions: (adverb)
1. in a way that shows that you feel or believe that someone has done something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity
2. in a way that makes you think that something is wrong or that something wrong or illegal is happening
3. in a way that makes you think that there is something wrong with something

Example Sentences:
1. He looked at me suspiciously.
2. She eyed the coffee suspiciously.
3. She was behaving suspiciously.
4. "What are you doing here." They asked suspiciously.

Related Entries:
suspect: (verb)
suspicious: (adjective)
suspicion: (noun)

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temporary: Urdu meaning

[عبوری uburi / عارضی aarzi / وقتی waqti (جو تھوڑی مدّت کہ لئے ہو jo thori muddat k liye ho]
1.Definitions: (adjective)
1. continuing or lasting for only a limited or short period of time
2. something that is intended to be used for a short or limited period of time


[uburi tor par / aarzi tor par / waqti tor par]
2.Definition: (adverb)
3. for a short or limited period of time

Example Sentences:
1. The Phone lines are temporarily dead. (3)
2. temporary workers (2)
3. a temporary job (1)

Related Entries:
permanent: (adjective)

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weekly: Urdu meaning

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curry: Urdu meaning

1. Definitions: (noun)
1. a type of dish consisting of meat and/or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce, and usually eaten with rice or bread / [سالن salan / شوربا shorba]

#curry, #curries, #currying, #curried
2. Definitions: (verb)
1. to make curry out of meat or vegetables / [salan banana]
2. curry favor with (somebody): (idiom) to try to make someone like you or support you by praising or helping them, especially someone in authority, in a way that is not sincere, in order to gain advantage for yourself

Example Sentences:
1. chicken curry
2. He is always trying to curry favor with the boss.

Related Entries
curried: (adjective)
curry powder: (adjective)

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throat: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. the space at the back of the mouth and inside the neck through which food and air can go / [gala]
2. the front part of a person's or animal's neck / [gala]

Example Sentences:
1. a sore throat
2. The curry is still burning my throat.

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tiny: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adjective)
extremely small in amount or size / [chota / chotay chotay]

Example Sentences:
1. What are those tiny marks on your back?

(Tumhari peeth pr ye chotay chotay nishaanaat kis cheez k hain?)
2. a tiny baby

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