October 8, 2015

enlarge: Urdu meaning

#enlarge, #enlarges, #enlarging, #enlarged
1. to become bigger or to make something bigger / [بڑھانا/ barhana / وسیع کرنا wasee krna / کشادہ کرنا kushadah krna / بڑا کرنا bara krna]

Example Sentences:

1. We are planning to enlarge our kitchen.

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faith: Urdu meaning

1. [ يَقِين yaqeen (kisi ki qabiliyat, ilm, wagerah pr, yaqeen hona, aitmaad hona, bharosa hona, ye yaqeen hona k usne jo kaha hy wo karayga)]
2. strong belief in God 
[ایمان emaan / yaqeen]
a particular religion / [مَذہَب mazhab / عقِيدہ aqeedah]

Example Sentences:
1. I have great faith in you. (1)
2. Do you have faith in God? (2)
3. the Muslim/Christian faith (3)

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