July 16, 2014

inside: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. in or into the inner part of something / indoors / within / [k andar]
2. (informalin prison [andar (qayd me)]

Example Sentences:

1. He is eating inside the house. (1)
2. There was nothing inside the envelope. (1)

Related Entries:
inside: (preposition)

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sitting: Urdu meaning

#sitting: (sin) #sittings: (pl)
Definitions: (noun)
1. a period of time during which a person remains seated doing something / [nishist]
2. a session or meeting, as of a court or parliament / [nishist]
3. a period of time during which a meal is served / [nishist]

English Sentences:
1. I watched the movie in one sitting.


standing: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. not moving or flowing / [(ek jaga pr) khara]
2. done while in an upright position

1. standing water
2. a standing jump

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little: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (determiner, pronoun)
1. (little) not much or enough / [thora]
2. (a little) a small amount of something / [zara sa / thora sa]

Example Sentences:
1. He likes to sleep with a little light on at night. (2)
2. I had little doubt. (1)
3. a little salt (2)
4. He can speak little English. (1)

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stay: Urdu meaning

#stay, #staying, #stayed
(kaheen pr ya kisi k saath kuch arsa) rehna / (kisi halat me) rehna / thheherna / rukna / thheher jana
1. to continue to be in a particular place or with a person or group for a period of time; remain
2. to continue to be in a particular state, condition, or situation; remain
3. to live in a place as a guest or visitor for a short period of time
4. to wait for a short period of time

Example Sentences:
1. Stay until the rain has stopped .(4)
2. Please stay silent. (2)
3. You can stay at my home tonight. (3)
4. He stayed with the team for 10 years. (1)
5. The doctor advised me to stay in bed.
6. Stay away from my son.
7. I'm staying in a hotel.
8. I'll stay with my grandmother for a month.
9. The shop stays closed on Sundays.

Related Entries:

stay: (noun)

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round: Urdu meaning

1. shaped like a circle or a ball / [gol]

1. The earth is round.
2. Cricket is played with a round ball.

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reach: Urdu meaning

#reach, #reaches, #reaching, #reached
[pohanchna / (kisi natijay pr) pohanchna / (kisi cheez ka kisi tak) pohanchna]
Definitions: (verb)
1. to get to or arrive at a place (especially after a lot of travelling)
2. to get to a particular point or stage of something after a period of time, as in a competition
3. to achieve something; when people reach a decision, conclusion, etc. they succeed in achieving it
4. if something reaches someone, they receive it

Example Sentences:
1. If I go by road I will reach tomorrow. (1)
2. You present didn't reach me. (4)
3. Pakistani team could not reach the final round. (2)


travel: Urdu meaning

#travel, #traveling, #traveled  (#travelling, #travelled: Br)
Definitions: (verb)
1. to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance, as on a trip or journey / [safar krna]
2. to travel well/badly: (of food items or objects) if you take something with you on a trip, etc. and it still remains in a good condition after the trip, it means it travels well

Example Sentences:

1. I traveled to London on a business trip. (1)
2. I usually travel by taxi.
3. The news traveled quickly.
4. Sound travels more slowly than light.

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call up: Urdu meaning

#call someone up | #call up someone (phrasal verb) 
1. Definitions
1. (informal) to make a telephone call to someone / [phone krna]
2. to choose someone for a national sports team / [bula lena]

#call something up | #call up something
2. Definitions:
1. to bring something, such as a memory, back to your mind
2. if you call up something on a computer, such as information, you make the computer show it to you

Example Sentences:

1. Call me up when you get home. (1.1)

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exactly: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. used when you are giving or asking for information that is correct or accurate in all aspects or in every detail / [bilkul / puray]
2. used to emphasize what you are saying / [theek se batao]

Example Sentences:
1. What exactly did he say? (2)
2. The journey took me exactly three hours. (1)

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fan: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. a person who likes someone or something very much and is very interested in them, especially a famous person or a sport / [maddah /prastaar]
2. a machine with blades that moves around and produces a current of air [pankha]

Example Sentences:
1. He was a great fan of mine. (1)
2. a ceiling fan (2)

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contain: Urdu meaning

#contain, #contains, #containing, #contained
Definitions: (verb)
1. if something, such as a glass, bottle, etc. contains something, such as water, it is inside it or as part of it, or it has the capacity to hold something inside it / [(kisi cheez ka kisi doosri cheez me) hona]
2. if something, such as a book, speech, etc. contains something, such as information, details, etc. it is included in it / [(kisi cheez ka kisi doosri cheez me shamil hona ) hona]
3. to keep your feelings under control, such as anger or excitement; restarin / [rokay rkhna]
4. to prevent something harmful from spreading or getting worse / [qabu me rkhna]

Example Sentences:
1. This glass contains (have inside it) water. 
2. This bottle contains (can hold) 1 letter.
