May 30, 2015

meet: Urdu meaning

#meet, #meets #meeting, #met
Definitions: (verb)
1. (of a group of people) to assemble at a place in order to discuss something formally or officially / [mulaqaat krna]
2. to see and speak to someone for the first time, or be introduced to them for the first time / [milna]
3. to see someone by chance

4. to experience something
5. to go to a place and wait there for someone's arrival
6. to see someone by an arrangement / [mulaqaat krna]
7. to satisfy; fulfill 

Example Sentences:
1. I'll meet him tomorrow. (6)
2. I have met you before. (3)
3. Let's meet at the coffee bar at 9'O clock. (6)
4. I met my wife in school. (2)
5. I was in London where I met John, one of my school friends. (3)
6. The membership will meet tomorrow. (1)

7. I met him on my way to work.  (3)

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