September 10, 2015

enmity: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. a feeling of strong dislike or opposition towards someone, as between enemies / [dushmani]

Example Sentences:
1. Please tell me what I did that caused our friendship to change into enmity!

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mince: Urdu meaning

#mince, #minces, #mincing, #minced
1. Definitions: (verb)
1. to ​cut ​food, ​especially ​meat, into very ​small ​pieces, often using a ​special ​machine (mincer) [ قیمہ کرنا qeemah krna / qeema banana / kisi cheez k bohat chotay chotay tukray krna, khaas kr gaey k gosht ka]

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kidnap: Urdu meaning

#kidnap, #kidnaps, #kidnapping, #kidnapped
1. Definitions: (verb)
1. [اغواء کرنا agwa krna]

#kidnap ( or #kidnapping)
2. Definitions: (noun)
1. the act of kidnapping someone [اغواء agwa / اغوا کرنے کا عمل agwa krne ka amal / agwa ki wardaat]

3. Definitions: (noun)
1. one who kidnaps someone / [اغوا کَرنے والا agwa kaar / agwa krne wala]

Example Sentences:
1. kidnapping for ransom

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